Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 9-29 through 10-3

In preparation for our CAHSEE review, we will need to take a quick practice assessment. This will guide the 10th grade teachers to the area(s) where you all need specific CAHSEE focus [sorry for yet another assessment]. We have not forgotten the _Bean Trees_, please keep on reading - or go back & reread. A quiz on Ch 6-7 is pending...

Please make sure you have completed your prefix sentences & vocabulary questions [pp 1-2]... Remember I find the "complete w/ the corrected word" on page 3, one of the most valuable sections because it allows you to create a 2-4 word definition / and oftentimes it gives you a synonym.

Please bring your completed grammar sheets may have a quiz.

We will go to the library to check-out _the Diary of a Part-Time Indian_ by Sherman Alexie.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Class this week 9-16, 9-19

9-16 Agenda: Bean Trees: 3 presentations [make-up ch3, Ch4 and Ch5]

Be prepared to discuss the theme you see introduced in Chapter3 dealing with botany.

We will finish Monday preparation with a quiz over ch3-4...visiting winners get **Quiz Bonus question(s): 1) Does Taylor hate the weird garden in Mattie’s yard - no! she loves it. 2) LouAnn named her son _Dwayne Ray_ and he was born on January 1. _Homework: see BT Journal #3 below - due 9/18/08_:

Your journal#3 due on 9/18 Thursday:

"In The Bean Trees, all of the major characters are involved with quests or personal goals. The author, Barbara Kingsolver, seems to suggest that a journey (whether physical, emotional, or intellectual) is necessary for any chance of happiness or satisfaction."

What is your opinion of: we are strongly motivated by the need to prove ourselves or find ourselves?

Your challenge will be to write a 1 page opinion without using any “I” phrases. Please write at least a page to this response. Also, date your journal, _DO NOT_ skip lines and TRY to write in present tense as much as possible. If you do not have your journals, you may use binder paper / or just post here [must be 2 paragraphs on-line]. For example, your position may be, "People are never motivated by the need to prove themselves, but they are often looking for themselves." -or- "People are very motivated to prove themselves - this is shown by ..."

Thursday 9/18: Agenda: vocabulary list #1 quiz & Introduction to Grammar [review parts of speech] Homework: given in-class
______A sample vocabulary test will appear here on Wed eve____

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week of 9-08 through 9-12-08

Hi all-
Monday's classwork expectations were your summer reading assessment - sorry about the key issue. Since only a few of you completed your in-class essay, you will have 45 min on Wednesday to complete/edit/type. No outside notes, aside from 1 page of quotes you selected to use can to brought from home [that's why I stamped where you were.] Bring *your own summer reading novel for quotes, and a blue/black pen.

We will have the laptop LAB w/ printer again in class.

We will have _ONLY_ the chapter 3 Bean Trees presentation on Wednesday. Please make sure you remember what our goal/theme for the semester is ...that may be on your quiz. On a 3x5 card, please complete your vocabulary CARD project [example on Communicado/or I'll email it; come get a 3x5 card in E-2 or A-4 if you need one.

Email me if you have questions. best, Ms. Uptegraft

Thursday, September 4, 2008

BT Ch2 quiz of the questions...

This chapter introduces a few new characters (and supports old themes). While reading, don't get discouraged if the story doesn't make sense...keep reading. Taylor will be introduced to LouAnn in a few days.
Why does the author include this character? ..why would she be interested in being friends w/ Taylor [Missy].

here's your freebie for visiting: [a free quiz question]
#4 Lou Ann comes home and thinks she has been robbed. What really happened?

Monday, September 1, 2008

BT summaries - partner project

Use this form for your Chapter (partner) presentation - you can type it if you'd like.
I will assign your partners. Hope you had a great long weekend.

A reminder of other homework is on Communicado. [email me if you cannot access that yet].